
[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)

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[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)

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[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)




Office Supplies

School and art Supplies

Microlouver technology delivers world-class effective 'black out' privacy from side views outside the 60-degree viewing angle

Offers the best level of clarity in 3M Privacy Filters for monitors

Landscape orientation. Touch not compatibe.Scratch resistant.Reduces 35 percent of blue light transmission from the display

From the manufacturer

3M Privacy Products

Featuring microlouver technology pioneered, designed and optimized by 3M to block side views so you see your screen clearly while people on either side see a vivid golden shield.

Privacy is the best policy

These days, screens are everywhere. And so are visual hackers. With the increase of mobile workers, open workspaces, and the migration of data to the cloud, computer screens can display private information virtually anywhere.

An unprotected screen can expose sensitive and private information, trade secrets and business plans. And the reality is, a visual hacker may only need one piece of valuable information to unlock a large-scale data breach.

A leader in screen privacy and protection

For more than 30 years, 3M has been advancing optical technology to deliver the gold standard in visual privacy. We
變頻節能料理家電料理家電網路狂銷remain a trusted global leader today—continuing to improve our technology, features and breadth of product.

Display and device technology continues to advance. So do we. Our privacy filters work simply and beautifully on most of today’s monitors to help protect your screens, and help keep the information on them private.

Behind the simplicity of our products is a powerful combination of optical science and sheer ingenuity you’ve come to expect from 3M. Rest assured, our products are inspected for quality defects, ensuring that you get authentic 3M Privacy Filters, with science applied to life.

Visual hacking: when information is visually captured without permission. But we’ve got you covered.

液晶螢幕 評比 液晶螢幕 使用心得分享心得筆記Gold standard in privacy

3M Gold Privacy Filters are perfectly suited for most of today’s high-resolution monitors. Maintain optical clarity while projecting a vivid golden shield to s變頻節能料理家電料理家電評測ide views.

How privacy filters work

3M Privacy Filters block side views outside the 60 degree viewing angle, while providing a crisp, clear view to those directly in front of the screen.

Microlouver technology

A single microlouver is about as thin as a single stra液晶螢幕 評價標準開箱評價開箱文 液晶螢幕 開箱評測nd of hair. There are thousands of microlouvers within one 3M Privacy Filter—all virtually undetectable by the human eye.

Attachment options

3M Gold Privacy Filters for Monitors attach with optically clear adhesive strips or easily removable slide mount tabs.

Find the right privacy filter for your screen

Step 1: Determine your screen type

Does your device have a raised bezel or a flat front glass screen?

Raised bezel: Screen with a raised frame around the edges.

Flat front glass: Screen with edge-to-edge glass without a raised frame.

Step 2: Measure your screen

For a raised bezel screen, measure the height (h) and width (w) of the screen's viewable area within the bezel.

For a flat front glass screen, measure the height (h) and width液晶螢幕 名人推薦 液晶螢幕 精選開箱文 (w) of the entire glass display.

Step 3: Find your filter

Use the measurements to select the right sized filter for your device from the products listed below.

Best fit tip: If you don't see a filter that matches your measurements, select a filter that is larger yet closest to your measurements.

Product description

Color:Black | Style:19.5' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)

Privacy filter Dell monitor 16:10 widescreen 19.5 in. 3M touches virtually every part of your life. Yet you’re probably only aware of a fraction of those touch-points. With medical dressings that help wounds heal faster, reflective materials that make our roadways safer, and even stethoscopes that listen to Astronauts’ heartbeats in space, our people and technology make the impossible, possible. Every day we apply our science to make your life better.

Product information

液晶螢幕 心得評價CP值高的評價媒體評價 液晶螢幕 CP值高的評價 Color:Black | Style:19.5' Widescreen (16:10 Aspect Ratio)

Technical Details

Summary液晶螢幕 最多人推薦熱門推薦不負責任推薦 液晶螢幕 網友評價

Screen Size 19.5 inches

Other Technical Details

Brand Name 3M

液晶螢幕 創意開箱 液晶螢幕 心得記錄 Item model number OFMDE001

Item Weight 5.9 ounces

Product Dimensions 3.8 x 3.7 x 0.7 inches

Item Dimensions L x W x H 3.8 x 3.7 x 0.7 inches

Color Black



[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)

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[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)






[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


液晶螢幕 心得筆記 液晶螢幕 買到賺到購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)

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[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)

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[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


[106美國直購] 3M OFMDE001 螢幕防窺片 3M Privacy Filter for 19.5吋 Widescreen Monitor (16:10)


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聯準會升息預期加速、電子業步入淡季,原物料漲價題材持續發酵,類股呈現多空表現。安聯台灣科技基金經理人廖哲宏表示,整體環境仍有利股市,電子股仍會是盤面主軸。建議可留意3月22日聯準會會後聲明的鷹派成份高低、中國兩會相關訊息的影響,以及掛牌企業陸續公布去年第四季財報與股利政策。上周台股收在11027.7點,11000點失而復得,周線連二紅。原本買超相對保守的外資,隨著美股回穩、美科技股創新高下,開始回頭加碼台股,近一周外資累積買超仍有逾百億元表現、約達112億元。3月以來外資累積的賣超幅度也逐漸收斂,未再擴大,從資金面來看有利支撐台股。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

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液晶螢幕 開箱實測 mobile01討論區評價 液晶螢幕 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0[style*="display: none;"] + span { display: none; }

#innity-in-post { border-bottom: 1px solid #d9d9d9 !important; width: 100%; display: block; padding-top: 15px; }從技術面觀之,廖哲宏表示,台股自2月9日收長下影線後止跌反彈,最高並來到3月13日的11095點。回顧這波反彈走勢,已陸續回補台股自2月2日之後急跌所出現的三個向下跳空缺口。另一方面,近日盤勢在回補完最後一個缺口(2/5)之後,即出現量縮拉回。廖哲宏表示,依技術面表現來看,預估待盤勢整理告一段落,未來台股仍有機會挑戰1月 23日前波高點。面對這波台股急漲、且接近高檔反壓區的高檔震盪格局,近期若遇拉回,建議可先觀察3月12日的缺口是否有機會回補,作為投資上的判斷,如缺口能守住不回補,表示盤勢相對較強。廖哲宏表示,近期盤面雖受到貿易關稅政策或其他國際市場雜音紛擾,但市場隨之逐步消化利空,其後加上科技類股因基本面佳,且較不受原物料高關稅影響,台股科技股連帶受惠,料近期仍將持續擔綱盤面上的撐盤要角。策略上,廖哲宏表示,維持各產業間擇優布局,電子股以具有國際競爭力且位於成長趨勢上的個股為主,並依評價及上半年展望汰弱留強;傳產股以中國政策導向、環保議題與美國需求成長為焦點。我們仍然喜歡有題材性的成長型股票,包括3D sensing、雲端伺服器、人工智慧(ASIC)、高速運算(HPC)、及汽車電子化(包含智能車與新能源車)等;另外,跌深、低評價有下檔保護的個股,也是可留意的標的?











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